Meranti windows

First windows ever to be created were made of wood. Ever since, timber has continued to be the most common construction material. Long before aesthetics and environmental issues became important, people appreciated wood for its outstanding properties in terms of thermal insulation and resistance to stress and changing weather conditions.

In order to ensure high quality of wooden windows, only adequately dry and dense timber should be used.

Wooden windows to size can be manufactured using various types of wood. One of them is the meranti. Meranti is an exotic species of the pine tree – a highly popular species in Poland as in the rest of Europe. Unlike oak windows, wooden windows made of pine are more affordable, due to the availability of this material.

Meranti, however, grows in such countries as Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It is a member of the exotic hardwoods family, and has several varieties, out of which the most popular are the red and the white. Meranti also happens to be the most frequently used exotic timber. Depending on the species, the density of this timber spans from 300 to 800 kilograms per cubic metre. With the density being one of the critical factors that determine the properties of the wood – and consequently, of a wooden window it is used in – it is extremely important to select the varieties of meranti timber carefully.

The red variety, most frequently used at the Dubinski Joinery Studio usually has the density of 450 kg/m3 or higher. Durability, strength, and moisture resistance make meranti less prone to cracking. Additionally, it offers exceptional thermal and acoustic insulation. Although our clients often choose opaque paints for their meranti windows, a treatment with transparent paints offers spectacular results, as it allows the meranti timber to fully display its prominent wooden features.

Meranti wood offers better technical characteristics than pine timber. Being a member of heartwood species, meranti boasts low water permeability. Meranti’s resistance to shrinkage and swelling, typical of exotic woods, is a result of its anatomical structure. Additionally, its reddish-brown colour palette allows this timber to fill interiors with elegant warmth.

Those who search for arresting, uncommon beauty, high quality and durability will find meranti windows to size as a perfect choice at an affordable price.


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DUBINSKI Artistic Woodwork
83-110 Tczew, Gdanska 32 Str., POLAND


Michal Dubinski

Mobile: +44 (0) 74 48 791 363